Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lippezaners and Ice Hockey

Di will chat more about the Spanish Riding School and the Lippezaners...Cameron and myself, well, we sorta went with and it was nice seeing pretty horsies doing pretty stuff but hey it's still a horse with a wierdly dressed bloke(I think!!!!) on it.  Must say though, it was impressive what the horses could do...been there done that!!!
(Di:  Lippizaners are born brown.  We only watched the training session but Jodi & I will go back without the boys next time. It was nice and relaxing with classical music playing the background. ) 

What was really impressive was the Ice Hockey match we went to see.
The Vienna Capitals played the Salzburg Red Bulls in the semi finals of the Austrian Championships(4th match of a best of 7). Salzburg was leading by 2-1 matches going into this match.
The atmosphere was awesome...anyway, the Vienna Capitals THUMPED the Salzburg team 9-1. ...But really good quality hockey. At least half of the total players were foreigners...Czech, Canadian and USA.

Newest Vienna Capital Supporters

Training day for the baby (brown horse)
Today(thursday) is a chill and school day for the kiddies. we need a break as it has been non-stop doing stuff.

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