The temperatures are gradually climbing, dunno if we like it or not...I'ts kind of nice to have the freezing weather, because it's different BUT it's also a pain to dress up like a bloody Oros mannetjie all the time.
Anyway, since yesterday we are actually dressing without thermal underwear - and of course it had to be Jodi that managed to crash through a frozen pond. Cameron was gently negotiating his way across the frozen pond and Jodi decided that it's easy and slipped and broke through the ice...SOPNAT!!...and we were miles away at Peter Drechsler's place out of town. Luckily we had driven there and wrapped the 'Ice Princess' in towels and took her back home.
The two kids also had their first interaction with some local kids. They went to play at Erwin's cousin's house. they have two children around ours' age. When we collected them they didn't want to come back...when asked what the Austrian kids were like, Cameron said they are very calm inside the house but when they went outside, he says, they were wilder than African kids...he mentioned that Ari and Kohl could take lessons from them :-)
I drove into Wien last night as we went to a restaurant in town with Katta and her parents...very chuffed with myself until I realised I had to drive back...and can't have a fffff....lippen drink! so I had to settle for one beer!!! Not doing that again!
10 March
Today we're taking it are doing school and we'll stay at home and take a break from the tourist thing....shitty weather(raining) anyway.
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